Preservation diluents of boar sperm
% in Yorkshire boar semen diluted with Diluent ĉ than with DiluentĈ, while the survival time increased done on preservation of boar semen with diluent at.
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Description:Function[ edit ] The addition of extender to semen protects the sperm against possible damage by toxic seminal plasma, as well as providing nutrients and cooling buffers if the semen is to be cooled also to protecting sperm from bacteria by adding antibiotics to it to prevent increase of bacteria. In the case of freezing extenders, one or more penetrating cryoprotectants will be added. Typical cryoprotectants include glycerol , DMSO and dimethylformamide. Egg yolk, which has cryoprotective properties, is also a common component.
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Date: 2018-05-25
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